Although your residents, patients and employees are top priority, we all know there is another important group that is trying to cope with the challenges of COVID-19… the families of your residents and patients. If you’re wondering what they are thinking and feeling right now, we recently reached out to the families of 2,500 people living in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, inviting them to complete a brief survey focused on their experience during the pandemic.
The most illuminating results of our Family Pandemic survey reveal a strong connection between a facility’s communication efforts and family opinions about quality.
Family members who feel they are not well informed on facility COVID status were:
7x more likely to say the facility does not provide quality services and
9x less likely to recommend the facility to others
Family members who feel they are not well informed about the condition of their loved one were:
21x as likely to say they are not confident about resident safety and
22x as likely to say they are not confident that their loved one is well cared for
Read the full article on McKnight's.